Please be sure to read the instructions before filling out the form.

Help us build the permanent archive of Heroes who gave “the last full measure of devotion.” Submissions must be for individuals whose lives were lost while serving in the U.S. military.

All submissions will have the details verified by Hero Cards staff before publication. We strive for factual accuracy and proper crediting of all content. There is no guarantee that submissions will be automatically accepted. The more source links (see example) you can provide—along with source document scans/photos for verification—the more quickly we can post the Hero’s story online and print their Hero Card.

Rather than simply filling in the blanks in the form, we encourage you to help us gather authoritative sources to provide necessary story details: Download our Submit a Hero Research Guide >

This is not an “obituaries” website. We write the Heroes’ stories in a journalistic/educational biography style. Because we are a publisher whose content is used in schools, we do not copy-paste written text sent to us, and we do not publish details without verification. We do rely on you to help gather as many valid sources as possible so we can verify all details!

All submissions are greatly appreciated, and priority will be given to people requesting a Hero Card for an immediate family member lost in service of their country.

If you served with or are a friend of the Hero, we will ask for your help in obtaining a family member’s permission to publish the Hero’s image and story (for Heroes lost in recent decades).