12-Card Packs


12-Card Packs


For $11.99, we’ll send you 12 Hero Cards, each featuring a TRUE Hero! Each 12-Card Pack contains a variety of eras and military branches. Every individual card has a photo or artwork and a brief description of that Hero. The number on the card back leads you to that Hero’s biography online.

NOTE: Card Packs 18, 19, and 20 are pre-order. Heroes 205-240 are scheduled to roll off the press on Sep. 20, 2024!

If you’re looking for a specific Hero, find their number by using the Search field at the bottom of this page. Then match the Hero’s number to the specific 12-Card Pack listed below.

12-Card Packs are an inexpensive way to share, learn about, and celebrate TRUE Heroes! See our Return Policy >

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